i r i s l a b s

Innovative Solutions

Turnkey Projects

Technology Partner

About Us

Clients Love What We Do

Since 2009, we have helped many startups, mid-size and blue chip companies and delivered over 100+ custom projects.

Team of experts, SMEs, Architects and Technologists.

Seasoned Product Managers.

The hipsters, hustlers and hackers on your side.

Each member has decades of experience with a formal organization or cool startup.


Great Business Solutions

Our differential advantage is proximity of experts near customers, access to best resources, better execution than on-shore consultants and a very cost effective offshore team. Our location in the Silicon Valley and Silicon Hills places us advantageously close to the nerve center of the industry, led by Google, eBay, Apple and Cisco as well as leading universities such as Stanford, Berkeley, UT Austin, and other great universities. We work in close collaboration with some of the biggest names in the software industry and have been appreciated for our thorough professionalism. A team of specialist consultants are appointed to each client in order to fully appreciate the unique needs and requirements. After the requisite technological due diligence we arrive at a solution that perfectly fits the client’s needs. All of this is of course done mindful of the time sensitivity of the client’s requirements..

Technology Consulting

Architects, Staff Engineers, Product Managers, Engineering Leadership, and Developers.

AI/ML and Data Science Consulting Services

Machine Learning Engineers, Data Scientists, and ML/Data Architects.

Cloud Servcies
for Azure and AWS

Cloud Architecture, Migration and Management Services. Certified professionals at your disposal

Value Proposition

Differential Advantage

Iris Labs provides few key advantages over our competitors
Expertise, Advise, Cost effective, and Quality with delivery on time.


With our experience we bring innovation and improvements to your ideas and solutions


Technology is changing, so many options to chose from today and to be prepared for future. We will guide you through the process with our expertise

Relations instead of Sales

We believe in long term relations instead of transactions and short term gains. We are technology partners for your firm and project


Successful projects


Satisfied Clients


Experienced Staff


Awards Win


Some key projects

  • - Generative AI based products like pixie.ai
  • - Plant management AI solutions - Preventive maintenance
  • - Gas Station - Anomaly detection
  • - Commercial Property - Anomaly detection
  • - Medical prediction solutions
  • - LLM based document and content processing
  • - and more.. contact sales@irislabs.co

Need Help for your new Idea, Project or Solution?

We help our clients take their ideas to production.
be partners to take their companies from garage to very high value acquisition quality companies.

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